latest package source is from 2025-03-12 16:53:34.
latest built package is from 2025-03-12 18:32:33.
latest package move was on 2025-03-12 18:13:24.
age of build-list-packages: 24 weeks, 1 day and 16:01:42 ± 169 weeks, 2 days and 14:27:12.
age of staging-packages: 32 weeks, 5 days and 11:11:37 ± 22 weeks, 5 days and 23:51:31.
age of testing-packages: 3 days and 0:23:44 ± 02:56.
age of tested-packages: 43 weeks, 2 days and 17:54:01 ± 30 weeks and 10:11:51.