:: Synchronizing package databases... build-support-manual downloading... build-support downloading... core-staging downloading... extra-staging downloading... core-testing downloading... core downloading... extra-testing downloading... extra downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... there is nothing to do ==> Building in chroot for [extra-staging-with-build-support] (pentium4)... ==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/lib/archbuild/extra-staging-with-build-support-pentium4/root] -> [build]...done ==> Making package: soapysdr 0.8.1-6.0 (Sun Feb 9 02:19:54 2025) ==> Retrieving sources... -> Found soapysdr-0.8.1.tar.gz ==> Validating source files with sha512sums... soapysdr-0.8.1.tar.gz ... Passed gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! ==> Appending keys from archlinux32.gpg... gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! ==> Updating trust database... gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: next trustdb check due at 2025-06-16 ==> Making package: soapysdr 0.8.1-6.0 (Sun Feb 9 02:19:58 2025) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> Installing missing dependencies... resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... warning: dependency cycle detected: warning: harfbuzz will be installed before its freetype2 dependency Packages (83) aom-3.10.0-1.0 avahi-1:0.8+r194+g3f79789-2.0 cairo-1.18.2-2.0 clang-18.1.8-4.0 compiler-rt-19.1.7-1.0 cppdap-1.58.0-2.0 dav1d-1.5.0-1.0 fmt-11.1.3-1.1 fontconfig-2:2.15.0-2.0 freetype2-2.13.3-1.0 fribidi-1.0.16-1.0 gd-2.3.3-8.0 gdk-pixbuf2-2.42.12-2.0 ghostscript-10.04.0-1.0 giflib-5.2.2-1.1 graphite-1:1.3.14-4.0 gsfonts-20200910-4.0 gts- harfbuzz-10.1.0-1.0 hicolor-icon-theme-0.18-1.0 ijs-0.35-6.0 jbig2dec-0.20-1.0 jbigkit-2.1-8.0 jsoncpp-1.9.6-3.0 lcms2-2.16-1.0 libavif-1.1.1-2.0 libcups-2:2.4.11-1.0 libdaemon-0.14-6.0 libdatrie-0.2.13-4.0 libde265-1.0.15-2.0 libedit-20240808_3.1-1.0 libheif-1.18.2-1.1 libice-1.1.2-1.0 libidn-1.42-1.0 libjpeg-turbo-3.0.4-1.0 libpaper-2.2.5-1.0 libpng-1.6.44-1.0 librsvg-2:2.59.2-1.0 libsm-1.2.5-1.0 libthai-0.1.29-3.0 libtiff-4.7.0-1.0 libuv-1.49.2-1.0 libwebp-1.4.0-3.0 libx11-1.8.10-1.0 libxau-1.0.12-1.0 libxcb-1.17.0-1.0 libxdmcp-1.1.5-1.0 libxext-1.3.6-1.0 libxft-2.3.8-2.0 libxpm-3.5.17-2.0 libxrender-0.9.12-1.0 libxt-1.3.0-2.0 libyuv-r2426+464c51a03-1.0 llvm-libs-18.1.8-4.1 lzo-2.10-5.1 netpbm-10.86.43-1.0 openjpeg2-2.5.3-1.0 pango-1:1.54.0-1.0 pixman-0.44.2-1.0 poppler-data-0.4.12-2.0 python-autocommand-2.2.2-6.0 python-fastjsonschema-2.20.0-1.0 python-jaraco.context-5.3.0-1.0 python-jaraco.functools-4.0.2-1.0 python-jaraco.text-4.0.0-1.0 python-more-itertools-10.3.0-1.0 python-ordered-set-4.1.0-5.1 python-platformdirs-4.3.6-1.0 python-tomli-2.0.1-4.1 python-trove-classifiers-2024.10.21.16-1.0 python-validate-pyproject-0.22-1.0 rav1e-0.7.1-1.0 rhash-1.4.4-1.0 shared-mime-info-2.4-1.1 spdlog-1.15.0-2.1 x265-4.0-1.0 xcb-proto-1.17.0-3.0 xorgproto-2024.1-2.0 cmake-3.31.2-1.0 doxygen-1.13.2-1.4 graphviz-12.1.2-1.0 python-setuptools-1:69.5.1-1.1 swig-4.3.0-1.0 Total Installed Size: 638.51 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing cppdap... installing hicolor-icon-theme... installing jsoncpp... Optional dependencies for jsoncpp jsoncpp-doc: documentation installing libuv... installing rhash... installing cmake... Optional dependencies for cmake make: for unix Makefile generator [installed] ninja: for ninja generator qt6-base: cmake-gui installing swig... installing libedit... installing llvm-libs... installing compiler-rt... installing clang... Optional dependencies for clang openmp: OpenMP support in clang with -fopenmp python: for scan-view and git-clang-format [installed] llvm: referenced by some clang headers installing fmt... installing spdlog... installing doxygen... Optional dependencies for doxygen graphviz: for caller/callee graph generation [pending] qt6-base: for doxywizard texlive-fontsrecommended: for generating LaTeX, Postscript and PDF output texlive-fontutils: for generating LaTeX, Postscript and PDF output texlive-latexextra: for generating LaTeX, Postscript and PDF output texlive-plaingeneric: for generating LaTeX, Postscript and PDF output installing libpng... installing graphite... Optional dependencies for graphite graphite-docs: Documentation installing harfbuzz... Optional dependencies for harfbuzz harfbuzz-utils: utilities installing freetype2... installing fontconfig... Creating fontconfig configuration... Rebuilding fontconfig cache... installing xorgproto... installing libice... installing libsm... installing xcb-proto... installing libxdmcp... installing libxau... installing libxcb... installing libx11... installing libxt... installing libxext... installing libxpm... installing giflib... installing libjpeg-turbo... Optional dependencies for libjpeg-turbo java-runtime>11: for TurboJPEG Java wrapper installing jbigkit... installing libtiff... Optional dependencies for libtiff freeglut: for using tiffgt installing libwebp... installing aom... installing dav1d... Optional dependencies for dav1d dav1d-doc: HTML documentation installing rav1e... installing libyuv... installing libavif... installing libde265... Optional dependencies for libde265 ffmpeg: for sherlock265 qt5-base: for sherlock265 sdl: dec265 YUV overlay output installing x265... installing libheif... Optional dependencies for libheif libjpeg: for heif-convert and heif-enc [installed] libpng: for heif-convert and heif-enc [installed] dav1d: dav1d encoder [installed] ffmpeg: hardware decode rav1e: rav1e encoder [installed] svt-av1: svt-av1 encoder installing gd... Optional dependencies for gd perl: bdftogd script [installed] installing libxrender... installing lzo... installing pixman... installing cairo... installing shared-mime-info... installing gdk-pixbuf2... Optional dependencies for gdk-pixbuf2 libwmf: Load .wmf and .apm libopenraw: Load .dng, .cr2, .crw, .nef, .orf, .pef, .arw, .erf, .mrw, and .raf libavif: Load .avif [installed] libheif: Load .heif, .heic, and .avif [installed] libjxl: Load .jxl librsvg: Load .svg, .svgz, and .svg.gz [pending] webp-pixbuf-loader: Load .webp installing fribidi... installing libdatrie... installing libthai... installing libxft... installing pango... installing librsvg... installing libdaemon... installing avahi... Optional dependencies for avahi gtk3: avahi-discover, avahi-discover-standalone, bshell, bssh, bvnc libevent: libevent bindings [installed] nss-mdns: NSS support for mDNS python-dbus: avahi-bookmarks, avahi-discover python-gobject: avahi-bookmarks, avahi-discover python-twisted: avahi-bookmarks qt5-base: qt5 bindings installing libcups... installing jbig2dec... installing lcms2... installing libpaper... installing ijs... installing openjpeg2... installing libidn... installing poppler-data... installing ghostscript... Optional dependencies for ghostscript gtk3: needed for gsx installing netpbm... installing gts... installing gsfonts... installing graphviz... Warning: Could not load "/usr/lib/graphviz/libgvplugin_gd.so.6" - It was found, so perhaps one of its dependents was not. Try ldd. Warning: Could not load "/usr/lib/graphviz/libgvplugin_gd.so.6" - It was found, so perhaps one of its dependents was not. Try ldd. Optional dependencies for graphviz mono: sharp bindings guile: guile bindings [installed] lua: lua bindings perl: perl bindings [installed] python: python bindings [installed] r: r bindings tcl: tcl bindings qt6-base: gvedit xterm: vimdot installing python-more-itertools... installing python-jaraco.functools... installing python-jaraco.context... installing python-autocommand... installing python-jaraco.text... Optional dependencies for python-jaraco.text python-inflect: for show-newlines script installing python-ordered-set... installing python-platformdirs... installing python-tomli... installing python-fastjsonschema... installing python-trove-classifiers... installing python-validate-pyproject... installing python-setuptools... :: Running post-transaction hooks... ( 1/10) Creating system user accounts... Creating group 'avahi' with GID 972. Creating user 'avahi' (Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon) with UID 972 and GID 972. ( 2/10) Reloading system manager configuration... Skipped: Current root is not booted. ( 3/10) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate... ( 4/10) Updating the MIME type database... ( 5/10) Updating fontconfig configuration... ( 6/10) Reloading system bus configuration... Skipped: Current root is not booted. ( 7/10) Warn about old perl modules ( 8/10) Updating fontconfig cache... ( 9/10) Probing GDK-Pixbuf loader modules... g_module_open() failed for /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-heif.so: libx265.so.209: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (10/10) Updating the info directory file... ==> Retrieving sources... -> Found soapysdr-0.8.1.tar.gz ==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks. ==> Extracting sources... -> Extracting soapysdr-0.8.1.tar.gz with bsdtar ==> Starting build()... CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:4 (cmake_minimum_required): Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of CMake. Update the VERSION argument value. Or, use the ... syntax to tell CMake that the project requires at least but has been updated to work with policies introduced by or earlier. -- The C compiler identification is GNU 14.2.1 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 14.2.1 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc - skipped -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ - skipped -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Found Doxygen: /usr/bin/doxygen (found version "1.13.2") found components: doxygen dot -- -- ############################################# -- ## Begin configuration for Python support... -- ############################################# -- Enabling optional Python bindings if possible... CMake Deprecation Warning at python/CMakeLists.txt:4 (cmake_minimum_required): Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of CMake. Update the VERSION argument value. Or, use the ... syntax to tell CMake that the project requires at least but has been updated to work with policies introduced by or earlier. -- Found SWIG: /usr/bin/swig (found version "4.3.0") -- SWIG_FOUND: TRUE - 4.3.0 CMake Warning (dev) at python/CMakeLists.txt:19 (find_package): Policy CMP0148 is not set: The FindPythonInterp and FindPythonLibs modules are removed. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0148" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. -- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python (found version "3.13.1") -- PYTHONINTERP_FOUND: TRUE - 3.13.1 -- PYTHON_EXECUTABLE: /usr/bin/python Traceback (most recent call last): File "/build/soapysdr/src/SoapySDR-soapy-sdr-0.8.1/python/get_python_lib.py", line 4, in from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils' -- PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR: ${prefix}/ -- PYTHONLIBS_FOUND: TRUE - 3.13.1 -- PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS: /usr/include/python3.13;/usr/include/python3.13 -- PYTHON_LIBRARIES: -L/usr/lib -ldl -lm -- Performing Test SIZE_T_IS_UNSIGNED_INT -- Performing Test SIZE_T_IS_UNSIGNED_INT - Success -- CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS=-c++;-threads;-I/build/soapysdr/src/SoapySDR-soapy-sdr-0.8.1/include;-DSIZE_T_IS_UNSIGNED_INT CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/UseSWIG.cmake:813 (message): Policy CMP0078 is not set: UseSWIG generates standard target names. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0078" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. Call Stack (most recent call first): python/CMakeLists.txt:160 (SWIG_ADD_LIBRARY) This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/UseSWIG.cmake:655 (message): Policy CMP0086 is not set: UseSWIG honors SWIG_MODULE_NAME via -module flag. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0086" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. Call Stack (most recent call first): /usr/share/cmake/Modules/UseSWIG.cmake:926 (SWIG_ADD_SOURCE_TO_MODULE) python/CMakeLists.txt:160 (SWIG_ADD_LIBRARY) This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. CMake Error at python/CMakeLists.txt:173 (install): install TARGETS given no LIBRARY DESTINATION for module target "_SoapySDR". CMake Error at python/CMakeLists.txt:178 (install): install FILES given no DESTINATION! -- -- ############################################# -- ## Begin configuration for Python3 support... -- ############################################# -- Enabling optional Python3 bindings if possible... -- SWIG_FOUND: TRUE - 4.3.0 -- Found Python3Interp: /usr/bin/python3 CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:441 (message): The package name passed to `find_package_handle_standard_args` (Python3InterpDbg) does not match the name of the calling package (Python3Interp). This can lead to problems in calling code that expects `find_package` result variables (e.g., `_FOUND`) to follow a certain pattern. Call Stack (most recent call first): python3/FindPython3Interp.cmake:62 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS) python3/CMakeLists.txt:16 (find_package) This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. -- Could NOT find Python3InterpDbg (missing: PYTHON3_DBG_EXECUTABLE) -- PYTHON3INTERP_FOUND: TRUE -- PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE: /usr/bin/python3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/build/soapysdr/src/SoapySDR-soapy-sdr-0.8.1/python3/../python/get_python_lib.py", line 4, in from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils' -- PYTHON3_INSTALL_DIR: ${prefix}/ CMake Warning (dev) at python3/FindPython3Libs.cmake:44 (INCLUDE): Policy CMP0173 is not set: The CMakeFindFrameworks module is removed. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0173" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. Call Stack (most recent call first): python3/CMakeLists.txt:34 (find_package) This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/CMakeFindFrameworks.cmake:29 (message): CMakeFindFrameworks.cmake is not maintained and lacks support for more recent framework handling. It will be removed in a future version of CMake. Update the code to use find_library() instead. Call Stack (most recent call first): python3/FindPython3Libs.cmake:44 (INCLUDE) python3/CMakeLists.txt:34 (find_package) This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. -- Found Python3Libs: -L/usr/lib -ldl -lm -- PYTHON3LIBS_FOUND: TRUE -- PYTHON3_INCLUDE_DIRS: /usr/include/python3.13;/usr/include/python3.13 -- PYTHON3_LIBRARIES: -L/usr/lib -ldl -lm -- -- ###################################################### -- ## SoapySDR enabled features -- ###################################################### -- * Library, runtime library v0.8.1-ARCH * Apps, command line applications * Tests, library unit tests * Docs, doxygen documentation * Python, python bindings v3.13.1 -- ###################################################### -- ## SoapySDR disabled features -- ###################################################### -- * Python3, python3 bindings -- SoapySDR version: v0.8.1-ARCH -- ABI/so version: v0.8 -- Install prefix: /usr -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build(). Aborting... ==> ERROR: Build failed, check /var/lib/archbuild/extra-staging-with-build-support-pentium4/build/build used straw: :with_build_support:haskell_without_check: build@euronuc.lan