:: Synchronizing package databases... build-support-manual downloading... build-support downloading... staging downloading... core-staging downloading... extra-staging downloading... testing downloading... core-testing downloading... core downloading... extra-testing downloading... extra downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... there is nothing to do ==> Building in chroot for [extra-staging-with-build-support] (pentium4)... ==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/lib/archbuild/slave5/extra-staging-with-build-support-pentium4/root] -> [slave5]...done ==> Making package: fluidd 1.31.4-1.0 (Fri 10 Jan 2025 16:08:34 CET) ==> Retrieving sources... -> Updating fluidd git repo... ==> Validating source files with b2sums... fluidd ... Passed gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! ==> Appending keys from archlinux32.gpg... gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! ==> Updating trust database... gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: next trustdb check due at 2025-01-20 ==> Making package: fluidd 1.31.4-1.0 (Fri Jan 10 16:08:40 2025) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> Installing missing dependencies... resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Packages (11) c-ares-1.34.3-1.0 libuv-1.49.2-1.0 node-gyp-9.4.0-1.0 nodejs-nopt-7.2.0-1.0 perl-error-0.17029-7.0 perl-mailtools-2.22-1.0 perl-timedate-2.33-7.0 semver-7.3.8-1.1 git-2.47.1-1.0 nodejs-lts-iron-20.18.1-1.0 npm-10.8.2-1 Total Installed Size: 87.39 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing perl-error... installing perl-timedate... installing perl-mailtools... installing git... Optional dependencies for git tk: gitk and git gui openssh: ssh transport and crypto perl-libwww: git svn perl-term-readkey: git svn and interactive.singlekey setting perl-io-socket-ssl: git send-email TLS support perl-authen-sasl: git send-email TLS support perl-mediawiki-api: git mediawiki support perl-datetime-format-iso8601: git mediawiki support perl-lwp-protocol-https: git mediawiki https support perl-cgi: gitweb (web interface) support python: git svn & git p4 [installed] subversion: git svn org.freedesktop.secrets: keyring credential helper libsecret: libsecret credential helper [installed] installing libuv... installing c-ares... installing nodejs-lts-iron... Optional dependencies for nodejs-lts-iron npm: nodejs package manager [pending] installing nodejs-nopt... installing semver... installing node-gyp... installing npm... Optional dependencies for npm git: for dependencies using Git URL's [installed] :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/4) Creating system user accounts... Creating group 'git' with GID 972. Creating user 'git' (git daemon user) with UID 972 and GID 972. (2/4) Reloading system manager configuration... Skipped: Current root is not booted. (3/4) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate... (4/4) Warn about old perl modules ==> Retrieving sources... ==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks. ==> Extracting sources... -> Creating working copy of fluidd git repo... Cloning into 'fluidd'... done. Switched to a new branch 'makepkg' ==> Starting build()... npm warn deprecated stringify-package@1.0.1: This module is not used anymore, and has been replaced by @npmcli/package-json npm warn deprecated sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead npm warn deprecated q@1.5.1: You or someone you depend on is using Q, the JavaScript Promise library that gave JavaScript developers strong feelings about promises. They can almost certainly migrate to the native JavaScript promise now. Thank you literally everyone for joining me in this bet against the odds. Be excellent to each other. npm warn deprecated npm warn deprecated (For a CapTP with native promises, see @endo/eventual-send and @endo/captp) npm warn deprecated inflight@1.0.6: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful. npm warn deprecated vue@2.7.16: Vue 2 has reached EOL and is no longer actively maintained. See https://v2.vuejs.org/eol/ for more details. npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@8.1.0: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported added 1154 packages, and audited 1155 packages in 26s 218 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details 11 vulnerabilities (9 low, 2 moderate) To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix --force Some issues need review, and may require choosing a different dependency. Run `npm audit` for details. npm notice npm notice New major version of npm available! 10.8.2 -> 11.0.0 npm notice Changelog: https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v11.0.0 npm notice To update run: npm install -g npm@11.0.0 npm notice > fluidd@1.31.4 build > vite build /build/fluidd/src/fluidd/node_modules/rollup/dist/native.js:89 throw new Error( ^ Error: Your current platform "linux" and architecture "ia32" combination is not yet supported by the native Rollup build. Please use the WASM build "@rollup/wasm-node" instead. The following platform-architecture combinations are supported: android-arm android-arm64 darwin-arm64 darwin-x64 freebsd-arm64 freebsd-x64 linux-arm linux-arm (musl) linux-arm64 linux-arm64 (musl) linux-loong64 linux-ppc64 linux-riscv64 linux-s390x linux-x64 linux-x64 (musl) win32-arm64 win32-ia32 win32-x64 If this is important to you, please consider supporting Rollup to make a native build for your platform and architecture available. at throwUnsupportedError (/build/fluidd/src/fluidd/node_modules/rollup/dist/native.js:89:8) at getPackageBase (/build/fluidd/src/fluidd/node_modules/rollup/dist/native.js:80:3) at Object. (/build/fluidd/src/fluidd/node_modules/rollup/dist/native.js:42:21) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1469:14) at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1548:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1288:32) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1104:12) at cjsLoader (node:internal/modules/esm/translators:346:17) at ModuleWrap. (node:internal/modules/esm/translators:286:7) at ModuleJob.run (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:234:25) Node.js v20.18.1 ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build(). Aborting... ==> ERROR: Build failed, check /var/lib/archbuild/slave5/extra-staging-with-build-support-pentium4/slave5/build used straw: :with_build_support:haskell_without_check: slave5@eurobuild6